Siren Nation Sponsorship Levels
Siren Level ($10,000)
- Full-page ad in program with premium placement
- Exhibition table at any festival event
- 3 banners placed in common areas and prominently displayed
- 1 swag bag insert (flier, CD, catalogue)
- Your logo prominently placed on our site with a link to your site
- Your logo/name on all paid advertising
- Sponsorship of 1 evening performance
- 1 Siren Nation Merchandise package including Festival CD, T-shirt, and limited edition poster
- Premium tickets to Festival
Goddess Level ($5,000)
- Full-page ad in program
- Exhibition table at any festival event
- 1 banner placed in common areas and prominently displayed
- 1 swag bag insert (flier, CD, catalogue)
- Your logo prominently placed on our site with a link to your site
- 1 Siren Nation Merchandise package including – Festival CD, T-shirt, and limited edition poster
- Premium tickets to Festival
Diva Level ($2,500)
- Full-page ad in Festival Program
- Exhibition table at any festival event
- 1 swag bag insert (flier, CD, catalogue)
- Your logo placed on our website with link to your site
- 1 Siren Nation Merchandise package including – Festival CD, T-shirt, and limited edition poster
- Premium tickets to Festival
Muse Level ($1,000)
- Full-page ad in Festival Program
- 1 swag bag insert (flier, CD, catalogue)
- Your logo placed on our site with a link to your site
- 1 Siren Nation Merchandise package including – Festival CD, T-shirt, limited edition poster
- Premium tickets to Festival
- Listing in Siren Nation Community Guide
Temptress Level ($500)
- 1 swag bag insert (flier, CD, catalogue)
- 1/2 page ad in Festival Program
- Your logo placed on our site with a link to your site
- Listing in Siren Nation Community Guide
Individual key event sponsorship opportunities
- In The Mix (host mixer or party between panels and performances)
- Overall Evening Showcase Sponsorship – Film, Music or Art ($5,000)
- Overall Day Program Sponsorship with targeted marketing– Saturday and Sunday ($5,000)
- Overall “Presenting” Festival Sponsorship ($15,000)
- Webcast/Broadcast Rights Sponsorship (negotiable)
- Sponsorship of any of our year-round fundraising events